Another question from Yahoo Answers: (read the answers in comments below)
I’m not asking how often I SHOULD, I know how often I should… But I’m more wondering how often you tune yours?
Mine sat in a storage until for about 12 years until I bought it and moved it in to my home. To my shock it was still almost in tune and didn’t require a drop tune.
Anyway, I’ve been slacking on the tunes and am considering waiting until spring to tune it again.
How long do you go between tunes?
Holy crow!!!! 54 and 86??? And I thought I was slacking.
I have no idea how long mine went without being tuned before it ended up in the storage unit. There was no service card. But I think it was well cared for because it belonged to a music teacher.
I try to tune at least once a year. My piano came to me (here in the high desert of Utah) from an island in Michigan (I inherited it). So I was concerned that it wouldn’t be very happy, but so far, so good. (I’ve had it about 3 years now). When I first got it, I was astounded that it wasn’t too much out of tune. When I opened it up, the last time it had been serviced was (gasp) 1954!! I have to believe it had been tuned once or twice since then, but my uncle, the piano player, was 99 when he died in the 90s, and my aunt didn’t play. So…who knows?
i tune every two years. the longest ive gone is about three years. but i have seen my family members go like forever without tuning. like they buy a piano and then have it like 10 years later and it has never been tuned. after that point it is a lost cause.
Twice a year. Spring and Fall. (And any time I notice something amiss.)
The last piano I started to tune (it needs parts before I finish) was last tuned 6/86. At least that was what the card on top of pinblock said. And the tuner was from the next county, so I expect the piano was moved in that time as well.
… It’s nice to have tuning as part of my resume.
I have tuned my once in 3 years.
I tune my piano every other month. I would tune it every month but I am lazy. Sometimes I wish I had never learned to tune because many time when I sit down to practice I end up tuning. When I tune a piano I am listening for things other than just the pitch of the note.and as soon as the unison’s begin to drift, it drives me nuts. My piano holds it’s tuning well so really I am only tuning the unison’s most of the time. I check the temperament around 3 times a year.
once every 2 years around there depends how much i play it or i tune whenever i move it.