I’m glad you’ve made it to this page.
If you landed here, chances are you’re looking for information about tuning your own piano. Well this is your lucky day because I’m about to share with you all the knowledge I have acquired during my 35+ years as a professional piano tuner-technician and 10 years teaching others the art of piano tuning.
I will show you all the steps needed in order to succeed learning how to safely tune your own piano.
OK, so know that’s out of the way, let’s go trough some of the things you will get by following PianoTuningHowTo
This site will address the problems that aspiring piano tuners face.
- Proper body position for tuning
- Proper tuning lever manipulation
- What to listen for
- Use your ear or ETD (Electronic Tuning Device)?
- What to expect from your interventions?
- Will give you knowledge every pianist should have
- Will free you from all the myths surrounding piano tuning
- Learn different strategies depending on your piano’s present state
It will be resourceful as well as interesting.
The piano as been my passion since age 14 and with this website, I intend to share my knowledge helping people tune their own piano.
This site will prevent you from the mistakes newbies go through when they start learning how to tune their own piano.
Come back.